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Writer's pictureLITTTLE MIRACLES

Reading together with your child


Helping your child love books

  • Sharing books together is a great way to bond with your son or daughter, as well as help your child's development at the same time.

  • Children with speech and language problems may have trouble sharing their thoughts with words or gestures.

  • They may also have a hard time saying words clearly and understanding spoken or written language.

  • Reading to your child and having his/her name objects in a book or read aloud to you can strengthen his/her speech and language skills.

Tips for reading with your infant or toddler

  • Each time you read to your child, you are helping his/her brain to develop.

  • Read to your child every day.

  • Choose books that you think your child will enjoy and will be fun for you to read.

  • Since younger children have short attention spans, try reading for a few minutes at a time at first. Then build up the time you read together. Your child will soon see reading time as fun time!

Here are some things you can try:

  • Read the same story again and again. The repetition will help him/her learn language.

  • Choose books with rhymes or songs. Clap along to the rhythm and help your child clap along.

  • As your child develops, ask him/her to fill in words. ("Twinkle twinkle little star. How I wonder what you ____.")

  • Point to pictures and talk about them. ("Look at the silly monkey!") You can also ask your child to point to certain pictures. ("Where's the cat?")

  • Talk about events in your child's life that relate to the story. ("That bear has blue pajamas just like you do!")

  • Ask your child questions about the story. ("Is that bunny hiding?") As your child



Helping your preschooler or school-age child love books

  • When you read to your child often and combine reading time with cuddle and play time, your child will link books with fun times together.

  • Continue to read to your child every day.

  • Choose books that are on your child's language level and that your child likes.

Here are some things you can try:
  • Discuss the story with your child. ("Why do you think the monkey stole the key?")

  • Help your child become aware of letter sounds. (While pointing to a picture of a snake, ask: "What sound does a snake make?").

  • As your child develops, ask more complex questions. (While pointing to a picture of a ball, ask: "What sound does 'ball' start with?")

  • Play sound games with your child. List words that rhyme ("ball," "tall") or start with the same sound ("mommy," "mix").

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